Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Orchard Vew

The pears are looking wonderful so far

                            Our small orchard of apple trees and one pear tree are fairing well this season

Garden Watchdog

Jake our dachshund oversees the lawn leading to the garden.  Although I've never seen him go after a rabbit or other garden loving creature, his bark is ferocious.

Weekly Progress Report

Last week I was able to get the tomatoes staked and hay placed around the plants.  We are in need of a good soaking rain, but I have soaker hoses as backup for Mother Nature.

A place of healing

     The garden always was a place of refuge for me.  It was where I could go on the worst of days and find solace.  When I started planting the garden after my husband's death, I believed it would be a grief garden, but I am finding it to be a healing garden instead.